How to Make and Use Amulets for Good Luck

Some people are lucky in life, while others are able to make ends meet despite incredible efforts, but their efforts are not successful. In order to improve their own destiny and attract material happiness, people have long used auspicious charms. A talisman of good luck is a special item or accessory with special magical powers that helps its owner in various life situations. Amulet of good luck can be purchased at a dedicated point of sale or made individually.

Lucky people boost their fortune with the help of lucky charms

How Amulet Works

Amulet of good luck or amulet of good luck works as follows:

Amulet of good luck helps meet the right person
  • Bring happiness to life, help meet the right people, and get good news;
  • Amulet of good luck helps to move up the career ladder and improve relationships with colleagues and management;
  • Amulet of good luck and good luck Avoid meeting and communicating with people with bad intentions, it helps to make good friends;
  • Good luck in attracting investment, increasing profits, profitable transactions, and increased passenger flow;
  • The owner of the amulet becomes more attractive to people, and they start to respect such people more;
  • Such amulets will bring happiness and help fulfill wishes;
  • Any disputes and tribunals will be resolved in favor of the owner of the amulet;
  • With its help, it becomes easier to pass exams and conduct interviews;
  • A person's luck increases and he starts winning various lotteries and competitions.

It is important to remember that lucky people can be the object of jealousy, so when buying or making good luck amulets by hand, it is advisable to use amulets in parallel to prevent jealousy, evil eyes and harm.

Choose Amulet of Good Luck

Hand of Fatima brings good luck and prevents negativity

Before you make your own good luck amulet, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the meaning of such amulet. The most powerful amulets of luck and happiness are the following items.

  1. Hand of Fatima. From the outside, it looks like a palm with a delineated symbol. Amulets are very powerful, bring good luck and protect from negative influences. They put their amulets at work, and in the house, they are also depicted on the body in the form of tattoos.

  2. red line. This is a powerful amulet that brings good luck. It can be made independently at home.

  3. imperial cointo attract happiness and good luck. This amulet of happiness attracts success and financial well-being. It is a particularly powerful talisman for those who are in their own business and whose professional activities are closely related to trade, sales and any service. It will help prevent unreliable partners, suspicious transactions, attract large numbers of customers, buyers and activate business development.

  4. Slavic amulet. Our ancestors have long used various amulets to attract happiness and good luck into their lives. It is customary to depict these symbols on clothes, houses, and use them as pendants or pendants. The main amulet that attracts luck:

    Serpentine is one of the main amulets that attract good luck.
    • coil;
    • Kolovrat;
    • gender symbol;
    • Perunov color;
    • Velesowic.

    It is customary to make Slavic amulets on clothes using metal, clay, wood and embroidery.

  5. Rune Amulet. This protection symbol is popular among different ethnic groups. Runes used to attract luck and success:

    • Feihu;
    • contract;
    • Ansuz;
    • soul.
  6. horseshoe. Such a successful amulet is placed above the front door, always with the horn facing down. Additionally, you can wear a miniature horseshoe-shaped amulet.

  7. clover. Another popular amulet of good luck and happiness is the four-leaf clover. You can use such a symbol as a keychain for any decoration. You can also carry dry clover with you in your purse, bag or book.

  8. Shamrock decoration is great for attracting good luck
  9. goldfish. It is a Chinese symbol of auspiciousness, wealth and good luck. Chinese people often stock aquariums with goldfish at home. It is also customary to place paintings or figurines depicting this symbol.

  10. rabbit feet. This unusual item comes from ancient India. A pendant of a rabbit's foot hangs around their necks. It is a symbol of prosperity and good luck. Recommended for business people.

  11. golden key. This is a powerful magic item. Best made of gold or silver. With its help, you can bring prosperity and happiness to your life, overcoming the most difficult problems and difficulties.

  12. cat eyeWith the help of this mineral, a person becomes more discerning, he develops intuition, he will be able to recognize the impending disaster and take the necessary measures in time. This is excellent protection from unscrupulous colleagues and business partners, jealous people and malicious people.

Other amulets of happiness include:

Figurines in the form of elephants bring good luck to careers
  1. Elephant. It is a symbol of stable success, brings good luck in business and attracts material happiness. You can wear an amulet in the form of an elephant, and you can place a figurine with its image nearby.

  2. ladybug. Refers to a symbol of good luck and helps to fulfill wishes.

  3. Japanese imperial bag. It is located in houses, offices, cars. This amulet brings success, happiness, talent and wealth.

  4. lucky spiral. Spiral is a symbol of endless movement, success, cash flow. Accumulate strength and positive energy. It helps move up the career ladder, helps improve relationships with management, and reveals leadership qualities.

Handcrafted amulet with great power. Therefore, it is better not to buy the finished product, but to learn how to make a good luck amulet with your own hands.

How to make amulets with your own hands

How to make a charm with your own hands? There are some easy ways to make amulets at home with your own hands.

good luck with candles
  1. Wax Amulet. Easy to make with simple church candles. To make the amulet, you need to stock up on a candle and ask her for good luck and happiness. Next, lightly drip wax onto a flat surface. When it hardens, peel off and put in a piece of natural fabric. Carry such an amulet with you, or in difficult situations that require luck and luck.

  2. coin amulet. How to make a good luck charm for study and work:

    • When the moon grows, put a silver coin or silver coin into the water, and let the moon reflect in the water;
    • Say these words:

      "The Voditsa assistant absorbs the moonlight. When this light penetrates into the water, let wealth come into my life";

    • save the coin until morning;
    • Take it out in the morning and put it in your purse or red bag.
  3. you can also makelucky dollar. Take a dollar bill. Roll it up into a triangle and keep it in your purse.

  4. Fold banknotes into triangles to make lucky dollars
  5. painting or carving on woodRune Faehu. Keep it in your purse, pocket or purse. With the help of such amulets, you will bring happiness and good luck to your life.

  6. The charm of threads. Take 5 white threads and 1 scarlet thread. Tie a white thread with a red thread in the middle. Tie five knots that read: "I tie, and I'll bring good luck. I'll tie, and happiness will come to me. Hide your talisman from strangers. "

  7. embroidery for happiness. You can embroider good luck and happiness symbols on your clothes. It can be any project you like. It is important to choose only natural threads for embroidery, preferably red. All work can only be done when the mood is good and happy.

  8. good luck bag. Sew a small cotton bag. Put the grain, sugar, and wax from a handful of church candles in it. Red wool thread on top.

Amulet activation

Handcrafted amulets are very powerful. To make it work at its best, it is necessary to follow the simple rules and advice of occultists and psychics:

It is necessary to strictly follow the rules and advice of the esoteric
  • Never tell anyone that you have had positive results with the help of the amulet;
  • Do not give your amulet to anyone, and do not let anyone touch or inspect it;
  • To do this kind of amulet, only the body is good and the spirit is good.

Activating such a project is simple. For this, the power of the four elements is used. Stock up on a handful of dirt, a water container, open a window, and light a candle. Put the amulet in the ground, then put it in the water for a few minutes. Next, place the candle over the flame and place it near the open window. Ask each element for help. After you finish activating the amulet, you can use it.

Ready-made amulets that attract happiness and success can be purchased at specialized outlets. But an object made by a man with his own hands, charged with his energy and positive thoughts, has greater power. To get the most from the amulet's work, it must be activated. Such objects also need to be periodically removed from the accumulated negative energy. If you find it cracked or broken, torn, you need to bury it in a desolate place after thanking you for your faithful service. This means that he has accumulated a lot of other people's negative energy in himself.

Choosing the right talisman, one will find happiness and good luck in personal life, become more successful in professional fields, and improve relationships and management with others at work.